31 de mayo de 2009

Why do boys go bitchy?

I think this is a topic that would fit better at The Green Feather Club Blog but remember it used to be written by two people that thought alike, and now one of them has already become an alternative version of a Disney Princess... (yeah... we lost her).

Anyway... this is a question that has been runnin' through my mind lately since some curious stuff has occured. Boys can go bitchy in many, many ways and believe me, they know how to do it and how to hurt you with a simple phrase. Well, at least with one or two words they make their point and that's it. You can be sure of what they're thinking and which ground you're standing.

But what are you supposed to think when they stop talking to you? I mean when both of you are real, close friends (or maybe a little bit more) and suddenly he stops talking to you? He disappears and when he enters the scene again, he dares to say that you were the one who was gone. Usually girls try to be kind and speak or write like nothing happened, but the thing that we really want to do is throw a very heavy object and get some brownie points for bleeding his nose or at least hit his forehead.

There's another situation: You two to met and kind of like each other. Then the chase starts and, you know, it's funny. Time goes by and suddenly he's sweet, tender and maybe a quick kiss escapes from him. What would you expect after that? Well, the logic says that this trend will continue and both of you will get someting very good from that... But NO! He not only stops talking to you, but olympically ignores you. Do I have to add anything else?

Case three: You know the guy and you're pretty sure he's a good one. He's proved to be a good friend, but there comes a time when the words "Between a boy and girl friendship doesn't really exist and some day one of them will irrevocably fall" come true. You two talk about it and solve it, everything's fine and then... he stops talking to you (in the best cases) or starts to say hurting things to you, or blames you and dares to warn you to not tell anyone about the whole thing... Who does he think he is?

We also have the permanent teasers that doesn't really admit that they like you when they do and enjoy doing things or making commets to make sure they still have you in the palm of their hands. In these cases we girls act in two ways:
  1. We make them believe that we actually like them, play a little bit, and when we get tired we just stop and end of the story.

  2. We really like the guys and... well, in those cases we're screwed =).
Maybe the best solution to all this is actually stop it and send each one of them directly to hell or. what do you think? Is that to harsh? Do they deserve it?... And they say WE are complicated ones...

28 de mayo de 2009

Quiero - Shakira

Que me gaste yo la vida
Devorando cada pensamiento tuyo, cada paso
Que se borren tus lunares
Y aparezcan en remplazo
Dibujados en tu cuerpo
Cada beso, cada abrazo
Y ahora que estás aquí
Yo de nuevo soy feliz
Pude entender que eras para mi.

Déjame quererte tanto
Que te seques con mi llanto
Que se nuble cada cielo
Y que llueva hasta hacer charcos
Déjame besarte tanto
Hasta que quedes sin aliento
Y abrazarte con tal fuerza
Que te parta hasta los huesos
Y ahora que estás aquí
Yo de nuevo soy feliz
Pude entender que eras para mi.

Quiero excederme
Perseguirte, pretenderte
Quiero amarte noche y día
Quiero gastarme la vida
Quiero amarrarte
A mis sesenta de cintura
Llevarte como un tatuaje
Quiero perder la cordura...

Pumas vs. Pachuca

Sí, sí, sí... ya sé lo que van a decir: ¿y tú qué vas a saber de futbol? Pero bueno, igual no sé mucho pero por lo menos sé picarle la cresta a una que otra chivita. El punto es que estoy "viendo" la ida de la final del Clausura 2009 y sí... debo decirlo... mis adorados tuzos van perdiendo... Bien merecido se lo tienen por andar de bocones y confiados. Parece que no aprendieron de lo que les pasó con los Indios.

De hecho esta entrada originalmente no tenía nada que ver con eso, sino con las Cenicientas de este torneo: Indios y Puebla. No inventen... Su gente los recibió como si hubieran ganado el mundial de clubes contra el Barcelona; desfile y todo... Los medios los alabaron, bueno casi les levantan un monumento a las víceras en la cancha (snif, snif).

Qué rápido se les olvidó los mordaces comentarios que les hacían cuando "Indios tenía pie y medio en el descenso" o cuando se burlaban en mal plan del pobre Chelís. Ahora hasta dicen que los índices de delincuencia bajaron en Ciudad Juárez y que Puebla ya se merecía un equipo así después de aproximadamente una década... Por favor, eso no es apoyo de parte de los medios, eso es lástima medio disfrazada de reconocimiento.

En fin... volviendo al partido que gracias a los dioses ya va a terminar, no han faltado ya desde ahorita las burlas y demás frases que bueno... pero en fin... todo es parte del juego y hay que disfrutarlo... yo sólo les digo que el que se lleva se aguanta... de todas maneras mi equipo sigue siendo el mejor XD...